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Budget Artwork - Thinking Outside the Box

Budget Artwork - Thinking Outside the Box

The economy may not be in great shape but that should not stop you from sprucing up your home or apartment and making it look like a million bucks.  And, believe it or not, you can do it all on a meager budget. 

When you think of redecorating, your first thought is: expensive.  Well, redecorating on a budget is easy to do and accessible to everyone.  Budget artwork is simple - you take things you already have or things that you find here andthere, and turn them into art.  I will let you in on some great ideas and tips to embellish your home and make it look chic without breaking the bank. 

So while times may be tough, it is time to bring out your inner Martha and start a home mini-makeover that will make family and friends envious. 

First Things First

Before you get started, it is a good idea to pick a style that suits your taste.  Whether you like colonial, contemporary, country, French provincial or traditional, opting for a particular style will make it easier for you to choose colors, subject matter, and frames for your artwork. 

There are many ways to create your personal décor and make use of your own creativity, and without spending a lot of money.  Remember, you do not have to be a professional decorator to make your home look fabulous! 

Tips on Budget Artwork

So if you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and get down to it, here are some ideas and tips to get you started on your search for budget artwork. 

• The first places you will want to check out are garage or yard sales.  Yes, people are getting rid of their stuff but you may find some gems hidden amongst the junk.  A couple of things to look for are dishes and storage-type items.  And, here is what you can do with them.
1. Out of old dishes, you can create a new kitchen or bathroom backsplash.  All you have to do is put the dishes in a thick plastic bag and smash them into various, tile-size pieces with a hammer.  Then, prepare the area for your new backsplash, arrange the newly-formed tiles in the desired pattern, let it dry and apply the grout.  Voilà!
2. When you find old trunks, hard-type suitcases, or barrels, bring them home, clean them up and use them as coffee tables, storage spaces for blankets or books, tables potted plants, or even extra seating, depending on the style you have in mind. 

• If garage or yard sales do not appeal to you, head outdoors anyway and take advantage of what Mother Nature has to offer.  Using a frame you had put aside or shadowbox, you can produce a masterpiece.  You can make an arrangement with just about anything you find.  Press some flowers and broad leaves to create a botanical print which can be changed with every season.  Or, display shells that you may have collected on a trip – little effort and no cost. 

• One of the easiest options for creating budget artwork is by utilizing photographs; you can either use old family photos, or you can take new pictures of your favorite things and design a beautiful collage.  If you are not comfortable with your photography skills, ask a friend to help.  Depending on the style of décor you have chosen, you may want the pictures printed in black and white, sepia, or color.  Try experimenting with the different settings on the camera for different effects. 

• Calendars usually have beautiful pictures of nature that can easily be framed and displayed on your wall.  Surely you have some of those hanging around; but if you do not, use old postcards from past trips and showcase your travels. 

• Do not forget the kids’ room.  Choose a few of their favorite, children’s books (the ones you read over and over again), remove their jackets and frame them.  Another idea is to take a favorite board game and put it in a shadow box.  To create a 2D effect, glue the game pieces and/or cards directly onto the game board.

• Effortless budget artwork includes using stemware, upside down, as the base for a beautiful candle centerpiece that will add height to your table and ambiance to the room.  Another idea is to take a wooden bowl or crystal vase and fill it with apples, lemons, oranges to create a color scheme that matches your decor. 

• Perhaps the simplest change of home scenery is to paint your white walls with color and strategically place bunches of candles here and there to give a cozy and warm feeling to the room
There are countless ways to create budget artwork for your home and it just takes a little time and creativity.

Donovan Gauvreau


Art Historian, Donovan Gauvreau lectures about art therapy with a focus on creativity development. He believes we can learn from the great masters in art to communicate ideas and feelings through painting. He provides content for www.AaronArtPrints.org to educate and inspire people to take a glimpse into an artist's life to better understand the meaning behind their work.


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