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Irises in Monet's Garden

also known as Le Jardin de Monet, les Iris

Artist: Claude Monet
Created: 1900
Dimensions (cm): 92.0 x 81.0
Format: Oil on canvas
Location: Musee d'Orsay, Paris, France

Spending time in nature and more specifically in beautiful gardens can have an extremely soothing affect on the soul. Jardin De Monet also produces such a soothing effect. It is as if the soul were bathed in the full light of the warm summer day on which Monet created this incredible work of art.

Monet painted many, many pictures of his gardens. Some of them with his family in them and some as is the case with this one where he has left out any human figures and focused only on the beauty of nature. Claude Monet did many series of paintings, such as, the garden series of which this painting is an example. Monet used the word series to describe sets of canvases that were being worked on simultaneously and serially on the same subject or theme. One of the reasons that Monet worked on series of paintings as spoken by Monet himself was because “I want the unattainable. Other artists paint a bridge, a boat, a house and that’s the end. I want to paint the air that surrounds the bridge, the house, the boat, the beauty of the air in which these objects are located.” Perhaps he felt that if one painting could not achieve this dream that by producing a series each one might come closer and closer. Indeed in his garden paintings and in particular, this painting one almost has the sense that he has managed to paint the very air, so dense and beautiful it is. It is as if one can see the air shimmering in the flowers and leaves.

This painting was done in the full light of day. Like many of his paintings of his garden it is brightly colored and thickly painted with strong accents of dark and light.


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