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David (bronze)

Enak's Tears

The Kiss

Creation of Adam


The towering genius in sculpture, not only during the 16th century in Italy but perhaps of all time, is Michelangelo. His mastery manifested itself early, for he was only in his 20s when he carved the Pieta and the heroic David, the first monumental sculptures of the High Renaissance.

The towering figure of 19th-century sculpture was the French artist Auguste Rodin. His particular genius was the ability to reveal the inner life of the human being through gestures and attitudes of the body. Rodin's affinity with facets of classical style was demonstrated in the smooth marble finish and idealized eroticism of The Kiss.

American sculpture began developing along more abstract lines during the 1930s when artists came in contact with contemporary European work. Alexander Calder was inspired by the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian to make abstract sculpture and paint it in pure colors.

Artists related to Sculptors
Jean Arp
Alexander Calder
Buonarroti Michelangelo
Auguste Rodin


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