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Treat your home to a
framed art print

Treat your home to a framed art print


Acquiring new artwork is always exciting, although it can be a daunting task if you want it to suit your taste as well as your home’s decor. With a multitude of artists, mediums, and styles to choose from, art can be highly subjective. When art prints are purchased, it is important to compliment it with a frame that accentuates its beauty. Suitable frames for art prints not only serve as a shield against damage to the integrity of the chosen work, but they also compliment the painting’s attributes. Your choice is not limited. Frames can be customized to suit your needs, budget, and taste. So don’t purchase a print and have someone toss it in any old wooden frame.


Let your picture frame say it all


With a wide variety of woods and metals available, you can do your art print justice by customizing the frame to suit the print and the room where it will be displayed. Each frame can be resized according to the dimension of the work you wish to frame. There are no restrictions. Textures such as wood grains, frostings and colors can be applied to each framed art print so that each one is created according to your exact specifications making it expressly yours.


How many mats?


A mat is a very important protective layer necessary in the framing process. The primary purpose of mats is to create a small separation between the painting and the glass, and/or the frame’s borders. The mat also allows room for the expansion and contraction of the medium used during humidity and temperature changes. Furthermore, mats enhance the beauty of any framed art print. It is sure to captivate the viewer’s attention. Here are some mat colors that are available:

·         Antique Paper

·         Black

·         Burgundy

·         Navy

·         Sage


Mats can be made from different materials such as paper, linen, fabric, suede and others. Also, each one will be properly cut to ensure the highest quality protection for your framed art print.


A shell of its former self


Heat, UV rays and exposure to elements can be harmful to art work. Dampness from air conditioners, dust and sunlight can damage your art prints by causing them to loose brightness and sharpness. Over time, you may not recognize your dust covered print. A technique called “glazing” consists of applying a protective barrier over the print in order to prevent it from incurring damage due to elements such as the sun’s harmful rays in the summer time which will fade out the framed art prints you so dearly love. Quality of product is always paramount; however, options to customize and select an appropriate frame are important as well.


The art work you love is beautiful… and so should be the frame!



Donovan Gauvreau


Art Historian, Donovan Gauvreau lectures about art therapy with a focus on creativity development. He believes we can learn from the great masters in art to communicate ideas and feelings through painting. He provides content for www.AaronArtPrints.org to educate and inspire people to take a glimpse into an artist's life to better understand the meaning behind their work.


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